ABRAHAM ELLSTEIN - Great Songs of the Yiddish Stage, vol.1

1. Der Nayer Sher (The New Sher) 2:18
Simon Spiro - tenor
2. Ogyn (Eyes) 4:02
Elizabeth Shammash - mezzo-soprano
3. Ikh Vil Es Hern Nokh Amol (I Want to Hear it Again) 3:43
Amy Goldstein - soprano
Simon Spiro - tenor
4. Ikh Zing (For You I Sing) 3:29
Robert Bloch - tenor
5. Abi Gezunt (So Long As You're Healthy) 2:38
Amy Goldstein - soprano
6. Zog Es Mir Nokh Amol (Tell Me Again) 2:51
Bruce Adler - vocals
7. Di Grine Kuzine (The Greenhorn Cousin) 3:25
Joanne Borts - mezzo-soprano
8. Vos Geven Iz Geven Un Nito (What Was, Was, and Is No More) 3:57
Simon Spiro - tenor
9. Oy Mame, Bin Ikh Farlibt (Oh, Mama, I'm in Love) 3:01
Elizabeth Shammash - mezzo-soprano
10. Zog, Zog, Zog Es Mir (Tell Me, Say It to Me) 3:51
Nell Snaidas - soprano
11. Der Dishvasher (The Dishwasher) 4:31
Robert Abelson - baritone
12. Du Shaynst Vi Di Zun (You Shine Like the Sun) 6:33
Nell Snaidas - soprano
Robert Bloch - tenor
13. Vos Iz Gevorn Fun Mayn Shtetele (Whatever Became of My Shtetl) 5:39
Benzion Miller - tenor
14. Mazl (Good Fortune) 3:17
Elizabeth Shammash - mezzo-soprano
15. Ikh Bin a 'Boarder' Bay Mayn Vayb (I'm a Boarder at My Wife's) 2:25
Bruce Adler - tenor
16. Der Alter Tsigayner (The Old Gypsy) 5:17
Simon Spiro - tenor
Total Playing Time: 62:33
Vienna Chamber Orchestra,
Barcelona Symphony and Catalonia National Orchestra (6,15)
Conductor - Elli Jaffe
wydawca: Naxos/Milken Archive
nr kat. 8.559405
nośnik: CD, etui plastik