BAY MIR BISTU SHEYN - Great Songs of the Yiddish Stage, vol. 2

1. Bay mir bistu sheyn (I Would If I Could: In My Eyes You're Beautiful) Secunda, Sholom 2:49
2. Ikh hob dikh tsufil lib (I Love You Too Much) Olshanetsky, Alexander 5:12
3. Eyn kuk af dir (The One and Only Night: Just One Look at You) Olshanetsky, Alexander 3:51
4. A malke af peysekh (A Queen for Passover) Gilrod, Louis 2:50
5. Der letster tants: Glik (The Last Dance: Happiness) Olshanetsky, Alexander 2:35
6. Lebn zol kolumbus (Long Live Columbus!) Perlmutter, Arnold / Wohl, Herman 1:56
7. A gute heym (A Good Home) Olshanetsky, Alexander 3:41
8. Nu, zog mir shoyn ven (What Girls Do: So Just Tell Me When, Already) Olshanetsky, Alexander 4:11
9. Dos yidishe lid (The Jewish Song) Secunda, Sholom 9:53
10. Mit dir in eynem (Together with You) Trilling, Ilia 3:25
11. Mayn yidishe meydle (My Jewish Girl) Secunda, Sholom 2:51
12. Slutsk Wohl, Herman 3:36
13. Samet und zayd (Velvet and Silk) Wohl, Herman 6:37
14. Hudl mitn shtrudl (Hudl with Her Strudel) unknown 2:55
15. Unter beymer (Beneath the Trees) Olshanetsky, Alexander 3:09
16. Ikh bin farlibt (A Paradise for Two: I'm in Love) Olshanetsky, Alexander 4:13
17. Skrip klezmerl, skripe (Fiddle, Klezmer, Scrape Away) Secunda, Sholom 4:03
Total Time: 67:47
Robert Abelson, Bruce Adler, Robert Bloch, Joanne Borts, Amy Goldstein, Benzion Miller, Elizabeth Shammash, Nell Snaidas, Simon Spiro
Vienna Chamber Orchestra
Barcelona Symphony and Catalonia National Orchestra ( 4,14)
conductor: Elli Jaffe
wydawca: Naxos/Milken Archive 2005
nr kat. 8.559432
nośnik: CD, etui plastik